Custom Exterior Paint Exploration
Custom Exterior Paint Exploration
Visualize what your home exterior could look like if painted different modern and classic color combinations.* We will contact you to get a picture of the exterior of your home to use as a model.
Have an expert do the heavy lifting and narrow it down for you
Gain confidence in your color choice before committing
Save money by purchasing sample paint that you know will work well
What You’ll Receive:
A digital PDF document showing up to 10 color options overlaid on a picture of your home. We can provide you with our hand-selected colors that match the style of your home, or you can request specific color combinations.
Sherwin Williams paint chips to match the color explorations.
*We try to clearly and accurately depict true color representations of actual Sherwin Williams swatches. Actual colors may vary from on-screen and in print exploration. To confirm your color choices prior to painting, please view a physical color chip or painted sample.